Thursday, December 29, 2011

How Do Induction Lights Reduce Carbon Footprint Levels?

We are living in a day and age where environmental concerns are on everyone's minds. After years of living high on the hog, as it were, we are now facing some severe environmental issues that need to be addressed with some serious action. Of course, no one person or business can do it all alone, it's up to everyone to take steps to reduce the impact we have on our planet. One lighting product is getting a lot of attention in the quest to be more environmentally friendly – induction lighting. And amazingly enough, studies have shown that induction lights reduce carbon footprint levels significantly.

If you're wondering just how it is that induction lights reduce carbon footprint levels, it's actually quite a bit simpler than you might have assumed. It really boils down to energy usage, and induction lights use a heck of a lot less energy than the traditional light bulbs that are currently in use in so many locations. But as you read the rest of this article, you'll see that induction lights do offer another benefit that makes them a much more environmentally friendly choice over the traditional lighting products that have been used for many years.

Induction Lights Use Less Mercury

But it's not just the lower amount of energy that an induction light uses that provides a benefit to the environment. You see, traditional HID lamps, like those that are used to light up highways, city roads and parking lots, contain a lot of mercury. Induction lights, on the other hand, use about 65% less mercury, and that mercury is actually in a more stable, solid form that does not cause as much of an impact to the environment.

The combination of requiring less energy, along with containing less mercury, clearly makes induction lighting products some of the most exciting products for a better environment that we've seen in quite some time. It's very likely that the world is on the cusp of some major breakthroughs in regard to how we power our cars, businesses and our homes. And while these new energy sources are sure to have a positive impact on the environment, replacing traditional light bulbs with induction lights is something that businesses and governments can do now to help reduce their carbon footprints.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Benefits of Induction Retrofit Street Lighting

The industrial lighting industry has been abuzz with news about induction lighting products for the past few years. As you probably know, industrial lighting, like those street lights that we all depend on to stay safe on the roads and highways, can cost quite a bit of money to stay lit. As private corporations and governmental industries have sought to find better ways to light up the roads, induction retrofit street lighting products have become the most talked about lighting solutions to hit the market in years.

What are the benefits of induction retrofit street lighting?

-    Lower maintenance costs. Induction lights last a lot longer than traditional HID lighting products. Many of the best induction lighting products have been rated as providing up to 100,000 hours of light before they need to be replaced. This is about 4 times the life of HID lights, so maintenance costs can be reduced by about 75% when induction retrofits are used instead of HID bulbs.
-    Lower energy usage. The typical induction street light bulb only uses about 35 to 40% of the energy that HID lights use, to provide comparable light levels. Any time companies can find something that reduces energy costs by up to 65%, that is something that everyone should sit up and take notice of.
-    Improved light. While this particular benefit has been debated by some, there's no doubt that induction lights actually produce more visible light than their HID counterparts. More light from less energy is a fantastic benefit to using induction retrofits for street lamps and highway lighting.

As you can see, the benefits of induction lighting for street lamps are pretty significant. You can be sure that you'll see more towns, cities and private organizations using induction lighting products in the years to come.

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

What are the best Green Lighting Solutions for Businesses?

For years, the search has been on for green lighting solutions for businesses. As more corporations want to do what they can to reduce the impact that their operations have on the environment, it's only logical that so many companies would start with their lighting products. After all, for years it's been well documented that traditional lights, like the HID bulbs commonly used as street and parking lot lights, consume far too much energy. And more energy consumed spells bad news for the environment.

Induction Lighting: The Next Big (Green) Thing

Induction lighting products have seemed to pick up the mantle of today's best green lighting solutions for businesses. Where other alternative lighting products have been able to reduce energy usage a bit, induction lights have proven to yield massive energy savings. And since less energy used equals less of a negative impact on the environment, it's easy to understand why so many organizations are choosing to replace their traditional bulbs with energy efficient induction lighting products.

Lower Maintenance Costs too

It would be all well and good if induction lights only reduced company's carbon footprints, but businesses actually reap other benefits from using these types of lighting products. You see, induction lights are well known for lasting for much longer than traditional lights. And since they don't have to be replaced as often as their traditional counterparts, the companies that replace their traditional lighting with induction lighting, see a huge reduction to their ongoing maintenance costs.

With so many companies benefiting from using induction lights, and with the lower energy consumption of these types of lighting products, it's easy to understand why induction lights are quickly becoming some of the most in-demand lighting products for businesses to use.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to use LED Track Lighting for Product Enhancement

When you run a store that sells physical products, you know that presenting your products in the most favorable way is important to the bottom line. If customers don't like the way products look on the shelves, they won't be as moved to purchase them from you. Many business owners are finding that they can actually make good use of LED track lighting for product enhancement. By putting their products in the most favorable, flattering light, they can considerably motivate people to make more purchases.

Tips for using LED track lighting for product enhancement:

-    Experiment with different product placements. If you have several layers of shelving to display your products, you may want to experiment and put the items that you want to sell the most of, on the shelves that get the most lighting from your track lights. Think about shining a spotlight on something that you want people to look at and purchase, because that is the basic concept you'll use as you try different product placements with your new lighting.

-    Use commercial track lighting. Some business owners make the mistake of using track lighting intended for residential purposes in their stores. This approach really defeats the purpose. Commercial track lighting is specially designed to provide the right kind of illumination to enhance your products. Residential fixtures can even be so eye-catching that they distract eyes away from your products.

There are other little tricks that you can use to maximize the enhancing effects of track lighting for your products. Start off by implementing these two tips, and you will be on the fast track to getting more bang for your buck in regard to the lighting solutions that you choose.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Gas Station Canopy Lights

Gas station owners have plenty of overhead expenses to worry about to keep their businesses operational and profitable. As you know, gas stations are often a beacon of light during the overnight hours. Many stations stay open around the clock and provide a safe haven for filling up the tank and purchasing goods during the late night hours. Simply being a safe place that's open at night can be a huge profit booster for the average gas station. An by using gas station canopy lights for safety, these establishments are more likely to attract more customers after dark.

Around the Clock Lighting Can be Expensive

If you own or manage a gas station, you know that the cost of providing around the clock light to your establishment takes a big bite out of your budget every month. Traditional light bulbs are notorious for hogging energy, but many gas station owners feel required to use them, as they don't want to cut the canopy lights, and the inherent safety that they provide to their customers. However, there are ways to power gas station lights for safety, while still saving some money in the process.

Induction lights for gas station canopies offer gas station owners the chance to provide safe lighting for their customers. And since these types of lighting products are much more energy efficient than the traditional lighting products, they reduce the monthly energy bills for gas station owners. But energy savings alone isn't the only way that gas station owners save by using induction lights; these types of lights don't have to be replaced nearly as often as traditional bulbs, so there's also a significant savings in terms of ongoing maintenance to consider.

If you own a gas station, by all means keep your gas station canopy lights , burning for your customers; just do so the smart way by using induction retrofit lighting for your gas station canopies.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Do Induction Street Lights Save Money?

It's always good to be on the lookout for the environment. When technology actually produces something that is energy efficient, and friendlier to the environment than traditional products, we should all sit up and take notice. And people have been taking notice of induction lighting products. These lights are able to provide the kind of high quality, brilliant light that people are used to seeing in parking lots and along roadways, and they provide that kind of light, while having less of an impact on the environment. It's no wonder that people are calling induction lighting products “green lighting” products.

So, now we all know that induction lights are environmentally friendly, but many business owners want to know – Do induction street lights save money?

Yes, we all know that the bottom line is important to the government and to businesses, so it's only natural that folks want to know if induction street lights save money. And to avoid putting off the million dollar question any more, the answer is “Yes!” Companies and governments are already saving money by replacing traditional lighting with induction lighting products. Since these energy efficient lights consume less electricity, they cost less to operate. And since they also don't have to be replaced as often as traditional bulbs, they help to save even more money on maintenance costs and replacement bulb costs.

As you can see, induction lighting for street lights is both friendly to the environment and provides a tangible savings for the institutions that use them to replace their old, traditional lighting products. You just can't beat that – green lighting for less money!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How do Induction Retrofits Work?

If you have been paying attention to the green lighting industry, you've more than likely noticed that there are some exciting, new lighting products that are being used to replace traditional light bulbs. These breakthrough lighting products are called induction lighting, and many companies and governmental institutions are on the fast track to retrofitting their traditional lights with induction lights. As people are hearing about the retrofits that are taking place, the question is often asked “How do induction retrofits work?”

Yes, “induction lighting retrofits” does sound like a very technical term, so it's no wonder that people are curious about just how these retrofits are taking place.

Is it expensive to replace old, traditional lighting products?

No, it's not. In fact, many organizations realize an almost immediate savings when they do a large scale replacement of all their traditional lights with induction lighting products. Yes, there is a cost associated, but  with the huge energy savings that is realized, the initial cost is quickly covered, and the organizations that use these lights continue to save money for years, as induction lights require less maintenance and allow for longer periods of time between replacements.

So, how do induction retrofits work?

This is the real beauty of induction retrofits – for most commercial or governmental lighting, a retrofit is as simple as replacing the traditional bulb with an induction light. Induction retrofits are just that – they are retrofit to work in the exact same kind of fixtures that used to house traditional bulbs. Street lamps, gas station canopies, parking lot lights, and many other types of commercial lighting can just as easily use these induction lights as they can traditional bulbs.

With money being saved, less energy being used and such easy replacements, it's no wonder that induction lights are making waves all over the world.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

What are the Latest Green Lighting Practices?

With all of the talk about corporations and small businesses being more environmentally friendly, it was only a matter of time before we started hearing more about green lighting practices. If you think about just how much energy is used by governments, businesses and households, simply to provide electric light around the clock, you soon come to realize that all of this energy consumption leads to a pretty massive impact to our environment. There are some exciting lighting breakthroughs, though, that are paving the way to a greener way to light up the night.

Induction Lighting

Originally conceptualized by Tesla over 100 years ago, induction lighting products are finally being mass produced and are one of the most promising of all the green lighting practices. An induction light bulb differs significantly from traditional bulbs. These types of bulbs can actually provide a higher quality of light, while only consuming a fraction of the energy that traditional bulbs use. And since these types of light bulbs can now be produced and sold for reasonable prices, they are quickly becoming the most talked about lighting products in the world.

Saving Energy Now, and into the Future

As of the past few years, these green lighting products have been used in street lamps, parking lot lights, commercial store lighting and as gas station canopy lights. If you think just about all of the street lights in the world, and how much energy can be saved by retrofitting them with induction bulbs, you'll have a pretty good idea of the massive energy savings that will be accomplished as businesses begin to replace their traditional bulbs with induction lights.

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What's the Latest on Induction Lighting Products?

We all know that there is a real push going on these days to find cheaper, cleaner ways to power our world. From hybrid cars and alternative fuels, there are dozens of initiatives to make greener energy resources. And while we're likely to see lots of breakthroughs in the years to come, Induction Lighting Products exist right now that make it possible to light up our world, while saving on energy costs and impacting the environment less than traditional light bulbs and fixtures.

Why Induction Lighting Just Makes Sense

As the news is filled with all kinds of promising technology for new energy sources, we have to be smart about using the energy that we already use. Every year conventional light bulbs literally suck up tons of excess electricity. This means that more natural resources are being used to create energy that could be more fiscally used to power Induction Lighting Products. Because these lights use much less electricity over the longer life of the bulb, they have less of an effect on the world around us.

And since businesses and governments that pay the energy bills to light up streets, parks, garages and gas stations, can actually pay drastically lower energy prices, they get the benefit of saving more money every year.

With less of an impact on the environment and a tangible savings for users, induction lighting is poised to be the go-to lighting technology for businesses and consumers. Yes, we'll all see new fuels and ways to generate power, and those breakthroughs will be amazing. But in the meantime induction lights allow us to light the world while having a minimal impact on it.

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