Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Induction Lighting: Smart Business Lighting Solutions

I'm always surprised by how many ways there are to save money on business expenses, when business owners just take the time to research some of the newer technologies. And with so much stress being put upon us all to also be good stewards of the resources our businesses use, the hunt is always on for ways to be more energy-conscious. To save money and make smart use of energy, we've come to recommend Induction Lighting to people. And with the money that can be saved by using induction lights, it's easy to understand why these bulbs are becoming the replacement bulbs of choice.Light#6Image by Môsieur J. [version 5.9a] via Flickr

They Last Longer

We all know when we purchase things for our business, that sooner or later those items are going to have to be replaced. After all, nothing lasts forever, right? Conventional light bulbs have always been a pain to deal with. Especially for business owners who need to keep outdoor areas lit throughout the year. Thankfully, induction lighting lasts a heck of a lot longer than those old conventional bulbs. That means that business owners don't have to purchase bulbs as often, which equals less money out of the budget.

But induction lighting also saves business owners money on maintenance fees. Since they don't have to be replaced nearly as often, business owners don't have to fork out additional fees to have bulbs replaced. Induction bulbs also use a lot less energy, so the monthly energy expenditures tend to go down for business owners who make the switch.

We all want to find smarter ways to conduct business, and induction retrofit bulbs are a great way to get started.
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